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© h-buy360/moistron-systeme/Copyright notice:© PantherMedia /vicnt2815/Deklofenak/alphaspirit/Image rights: Deugefin GmbH
Module for wall dehumidification - fought and prevented
capillary rising soil moisture in walls
From the leading German manufacturer of physical wall dehumidification
NEW: while your rooms are dry - disinfect immediately using UV disinfection
Aquacontrol 102 - A good decision
Moisture reduction in just three months up to 50%
Simple and safe application - Do it yourself
© h-buy360 - Intro: MS-Clipchamp - Pictures Klauck
How works
Aquacontrol 102
UV physical disinfection - without chemicals
Aquacontrol 102 - In use at over 100 locations since 2011
Reference1 Aquacontrol
Reference2 Aquacontrol
Reference3 Aquacontrol
Reference4 Aquacontrol
Reference5 Aquacontrol
Reference Aquacontrol
Reference8 Aquacontrol
© h-buy360 - Pictures Klauck
There are different methods for drying walls. Depending on the cause, different paths must be taken. Aquacontrol 102 is effective with capillary rising soil moisture. You can use the module in continuous operation (useful time of the property), or supplement common renovation practices on the market.
Using Aquacontrol 102 results in a moisture reduction of up to 50% after just 12 - 16 weeks. After around 12 - 18 months (depending on the building structure) the values according to DIN 4108 (scientifically tolerated value for dry walls) are reached.
With Aquacontrol 102, no construction work is necessary. This saves you considerable costs compared to conventional renovation methods. If capillary rising soil moisture can be detected, the Aquacontrol 102 wall dehumidification module is the first choice.
If it is determined that soil moisture rises in a capillary manner, we can offer you a moisture measurement. Two small holes are drilled at different heights into which sensors are inserted. Using this resistance measurement, the moisture in the masonry can be measured and the result of Aquacontrol 102 can be checked at different measurement periods.
Humidity decreases both relatively and absolutely. The module was tested and its effectiveness was confirmed by TÜV Nord in this typical load case of capillary rising soil moisture. After installing the Aquacontrol 102, the effect begins immediately - odors disappear and water marks become smaller.
Aquacontrol 102 should not be used in the case of pressurized water, tap water damage or influences that cannot be traced back to capillary soil moisture.
we ship insured via DHL
Financing is provided through our partner Deugefin GmbH from 2.75% eff. Annual interest rate conveyed. Conditions subject to change.
Only for people based in Germany.