Wall drying

Image rights: © PantherMedia /vicnt2815/Deugefin GmbH

Wall drying

Wall drying

Conventional wall drying is usually done through sealing. The masonry is usually chemically influenced or sealed from the outside. The walls are then usually provided with moisture barriers and then with renovation plaster. Depending on the case, the moisture is then or during this removed from the wall using drying devices.Aquacontrol 102can support and be used preparatory or long-term because:

Aquacontrol 102is an electrophysical process and thus follows a different approach. It does not dry out, but rather dehumidifies the masonry and keeps it in a naturally dry state (according to DIN 4108).

Aquacontrol 102 disrupts the existing rising forces, stops the further rise of moisture and causes a backward movement into the soil. Due to the continuous operation of the Aquacontrol 102upward forces are suppressed.

Aquacontrol 102 can therefore, understandably, create shorter dehumidification periods than conventional drying measures. The continuous operation of the moistron Aquacontrol 102 Keeps walls permanently dry because the capillary effect is counteracted.

While Aquacontrol 102 works for you, you can relax and think about how you will use the dry rooms.

Older houses

Problems in older homes can be very complex. Therefore, there is no standard recipe for masonry renovation. Different causes require different solutions.

If it is capillary rising soil moisture, it canAquacontrol 102can be used excellently. In long-term use, it can last the life of the house (useful time of the house), or prepare for a basic renovation of the building, so as not to ignore the existing capillary forces.

It usually only becomes clear after a few years whether a 100% seal has been achieved.

As soon as throughAquacontrol 102If the desired moisture content in the masonry has been reached, basic sealing measures can be carried out if desired. WithAquacontrol 102Renovation measures are not excluded, but rather support preparation for, for example, drainage, external sealing or barrier layer installation.

The advantage is that the walls are dry and do not need to be laboriously dehumidified. This means that the unsightly efflorescence on walls can also be permanently removed.

© moistron systems

Masonry dehumidification

Aquacontrol 102 affects the rise of moisture. The water that has risen in the capillaries and is contaminated with salts can be electrophysically prevented from rising further. In the second step, the water begins to flow back into the ground. Since no large forces are necessary to cause disruption, a gentle approach does not affect the building structure Aquacontrol 102 the moisture is returned to the soil with little energy expenditure. “Aquacontrol" - the name is program.

Installed approximately centrally in the building, the effective radius is around 8-15 m, which is sufficient even for larger homes. In larger buildings, several devices can be used.

Once the module is installed, the effect begins immediately and is noticeable after a few weeks.

Musty smells disappear and water marks are reduced

Clearly, the advantages of Aquacontrol 102 Technology for dehumidifying walls is obvious.

  • become walls complete dehumidified (according to DIN 4108), not just laid dry
  • This physically effective procedure, which has been known since the middle of the last century, is extremely gentle on substances
  • Completely harmless frequencies for humans and animals
  • No emissions, such as escaping gases or heat radiation
  • Fast and lasting effect with continuous operation

Measuring moisture in masonry

On request (for an additional charge) a measurement can be taken (see our offer for contact resistance measurement) which detects the moisture content in the masonry. A re-measurement will be carried out after approx. +49 251 9313589 weeks. Also in the +49 251 9313589 month period. Usually are through Aquacontrol 102 The values according to DIN 4108 (Part 4, Appendix A) have long since been reached, which corresponds to a “scientifically tolerated value” for “dry walls”. The method Aquacontrol 102 it's probably quick th, gentlest and cheapest way to get the damage caused by "capillary rising damp" under control. Musty smells, mold, falling plaster and destruction of the masonry are prevented.

By the way

If you order a measurement, please make sure that the correct measurement method is used. The surface resistance measurement (capacitive - up to a depth of approx. 3 - 6 cm) provides the first indications of the rise in moisture. In addition, a wall is usually made of different materials - from wallpaper to plaster to masonry. This measuring method provides limited information as to whether it is surface moisture or whether water has already penetrated deep into the wall, or whether it penetrates into the masonry from outside or below (capillary).

When installing the Aquacontrol 102 If desired, a measurement can be taken inside the wall/wall to document the drying process. If moisture rises in a capillary manner, the interior wall may already be more damaged than can be detected by a surface measurement. This means that the water in the capillaries may have already risen considerably higher within the wall than is visible to the outside.

Aquacontrol 102 should not be used in the case of pressurized water, tap water damage or influences that cannot be traced back to capillary soil moisture.

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